Instant Creative
If the production tools become more advanced, "instant creativity" will surely increase. But how many things can we call "real not instant"? Already, our food, clothes, and homes are not instant. Food that can be bought instantly (convenience stores), clothes (department stores), and furniture (mass retailers). When we don't have the resources to search for "real" things, it's really helpful. But we're losing something... and it's scary that we don't realize it.
"Instant" is a very interesting concept. Even the act of typing on Twitter now would make someone who used to think with a feather pen and write their thoughts in a notebook feel like they're doing something "instant"! But not all instant things are bad, I feel like there are good instant things too. — Atsuko Shimizu / Visual Language Research (@4mimimizu) April 6, 2018 While drawing graphic records, I'm thinking about whether the "clarity" of the drawing is contributing to the "instantization" of easy information.